AutoPilot simulates autonomous driving using Closed Loop Rapidly-exploring Random Tree in Python. It overcomes the constraints dictated by the urban environment.
AutoPilot simulates autonomous driving using Closed Loop Rapidly-exploring Random Tree in Python. It overcomes the constraints dictated by the urban environment.
Multi-Max-Clique, an application that solves Maximum Clique Problem using the parallel branch and bound approach and achieved linear and super-linear speedups in CUDA.
DownloadManager, a Java application that divides the files to be downloaded into multiple streams and facilitates the downloading of the file streams in parallel.
E-tailer, a product search engine using Trie, Priority Heap in C++. The search history is maintained in Priority Heaps and the user and product data are stored in Trie.
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The work was based on Predicting Bitcoin Prices using LSTM for building the portfolio.